Posts tagged Coaching
Break-up Coach, Avoid These Intake Form Blunders.

If you think that having a steady stream of leads is what you want, consider this, most of those leads, will not be a right fit client, and it’s your job to assess each lead for fit.

This review is a great example of a coach who is so sick of the dead-end leads they’ve been bringing in and they’ve resorted to some really pushy and aggressive intake form questions to block the wrong leads.

What suffers when a coach does this?


Leads, sales, marketing, but most of all, the relationship you’ve worked so hard to build with your buyer suffers.

Learn from the mistakes of this coach by reading the review below.

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Business + Leadership Coach. What NOT to ask on your intake form. An Intake Form Review.

This week’s review is a GREAT example of what NOT to do.

You might catch yourself thinking that this review is all stop, don’t do this and you are right.

I need to show you what the rules are before we can attempt to break them.

Because in the online space, you’ll see a million copy cat questions and most of them are going after the same kinds of answers.

But rest assured, I am here to show you a different way to ask for the sale.

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