SS is a 30 day coaching intensive, that’s all about:

Asking even better intake questions so you get the best answers, from buyers, efficiently.

Admitting that there are parts of your sales process that aren’t working

Accepting that you’re too close to your own work to make the necessary changes.



A powerful resource for upping your intake form game. I have never had anyone make sense of my Enneagram, Strengths Finder, and MBTI assessments like Heidi has and that has helped me show up in my strengths in my sales and onboarding process.

Rebecca Chin, Leaderhip Developer

A seamless sales process creates continuity from your sales page to your intake form to your client experience. 

We all know that buying services online is about creating an experience for your buyer. So let’s get to work on how the buying experience feels from your buyers perspective and show them you really care.

All you require is some structure and outside expertise (thank you very much) to dig into your previous buyers answers and learn to ask about their needs effectively and efficiently.

That’s how you ultimately do business YOUR way. Which is what becoming is all about...and it’s time you got yours, so you can have your life back.

So let’s not just “grow” your business. Let’s crack this adventure wide open.